How Often To Replace Laptop? 9 Helping Indicators You Should Upgrade

The question of how often one should replace their laptop is being posed by an increasing number of individuals. Because of the rapid pace at which technology progresses, you don’t want to be left behind by having a laptop of inferior quality.

As long as the previous one continues to function faultlessly, you shouldn’t be in a rush to replace it with a new one either. So… How often to replace laptop?

You should seriously consider purchasing a new laptop if it has become slower and more unresponsive and if it cannot run any of the most recent versions of the applications, programs, or games you wish to use.

Although laptops typically have a lifespan of around five years, most of them may still be utilized for quite some time beyond that period. On the other hand, unless you start by purchasing a top-tier laptop, one five-year-old will be obsolete and almost unable to run the most recent software and games.

Of course, suppose you get an inexpensive laptop with terrible performance from the beginning. In that case, the time it will stay relevant will significantly reduce. In addition, several unforeseen events might occur, causing you to be forced to purchase a new laptop.

How often should you think about upgrading your laptop?

Even though the typical lifespan of a laptop is between 3 and 5 years, we generally advise that you get a new one every 3 to 4 years at the latest. Because of this, you will always be able to utilize a laptop that provides the most recent technological breakthroughs at the lowest feasible price.

If you use your laptop for relatively simple tasks (such as surfing the internet or streaming movies, for example), you will be able to get more years of operation out of your laptop as long as you take care of it correctly. However, this only applies if you use your laptop for these tasks.

Laptops used chiefly at home will have a longer lifetime than those used for other purposes and will not need to be replaced as often.

Laptops often used outside, particularly in humid environments or with a higher concentration of dust particles, ants, or even the potential for overheating, will typically need to be changed more frequently.

In addition, laptops that are used for gaming or other resource-intensive activities, such as video editing, will often have a shorter shelf life. This is because newer applications demand more resources, which, most of the time, is more than the laptop can provide.

In general, however, it is fair to say that a safe approximation to our question is four years. This is the amount of time that must pass before you can purchase a new laptop to replace the one you already have.

Essential indicators that you could need a new laptop

The most straightforward approach for you to determine if it is time to update your laptop is to search for the many indicators that are described below: the more of these signs you have, the greater the chances are that your laptop is becoming outdated and has to be replaced with a new and improved model.

Frequent Lagging

One of the most prominent indicators that your laptop is getting on in years is if it has problems starting up. Laptops that lag and stutter are very frustrating to use, and they have the potential to transform an ordinary day into a living nightmare.

In most situations, it’s simply a symptom of old age. However, there are other possible explanations for this – mainly if they arise abruptly, such as a virus or freshly installed software that’s devouring your laptop’s RAM – but the majority of the time, it’s just a sign of ageing.

If you notice that your laptop is starting to lag constantly, and the decline in performance is slow and steady, it can no longer keep up with the demands of new programs in terms of CPU and RAM. If you have noticed that your laptop is starting to lag constantly, and the decline in performance is slow and steady, this means that you should replace your laptop.

A word of advice: before you go out and buy a new laptop, think about updating the RAM and the processor. This might be an excellent approach to boost performance without incurring additional costs.

The majority of modern laptops are equipped with simple upgrade options for RAM (extra slots for plugging it in), so it should not be difficult to achieve this goal in the majority of instances.

OS Issues

If your operating system is beginning to show you all indicators of difficulty (such as the Blue Screen of Death if you’re using Windows), and if new upgrades are no longer feasible since your computer can’t handle them because it’s too old, it’s conceivable that it’s time to acquire a new laptop.

A general rule of thumb is that reinstalling the operating system will solve any issues you are having with it, even if you are not confident that the age of your machine causes the issues. However, if they continue to appear after a clean installation, it may be time to invest in a new laptop.

Problems with charging and the battery

One of the most significant problems with older laptops is that their batteries do not continue to function for as long as they once did. Having your laptop’s battery die within half an hour after receiving a full charge is a telltale indicator that your device is getting on in years.

Tip: If the battery is the only thing wrong with your device and everything else works OK, you should consider replacing the battery.

Insufficient available storage space

It’s possible that 64 or 128 gigabytes of storage space appeared plenty a few years ago, but in today’s world, smartphones come with more space than that. Check out our storage capacity chart for hard drives to get an idea of how much space you may have available to you.

The fact that your gadget only has a limited amount of storage space accessible might end up causing you a lot of difficulties. Although you might add more storage space or buy an external drive, these are just stopgap measures, and you should think about updating your system as soon as possible rather than delaying the process.


This is another indication that the laptop is getting on in years. The same may be said about a continuously operating fan (if there are no other causes for it to do so).

When the laptop reaches a certain age, it will begin to exhibit these symptoms. An overheated laptop is very hazardous and will have a much shorter life. Therefore, unless there is anything you can do about it (maybe there is simply a lot of dust gathered inside), you should seriously consider purchasing a new one, even if there is something you can do about it.

Display issues

Whether we want them to or not, our computers will suffer some wear and tear over the course of their lifetimes. One of the first things that might fail is the display screen, and “failing” can refer to a wide range of issues, from a single dead pixel to a flickering display to a completely broken screen. The screen is one of the first things that can fail.

Even while it is possible to change the display on a laptop in most circumstances, you shouldn’t expect to get much more use out of it if you do so. Instead, it would be best if you seriously thought about the possibility that it’s time to get a new one.

Problems with the interoperability of the applications

The inability of your laptop to run recently released software is one of the most common reasons you could be pressured to buy a new one. However, you are more likely to have this problem if it has been four to five years since you last purchased a new laptop. Therefore, if you wish to run an effective program or piece of software on your laptop but its hardware does not support it, this is a clear indicator that your laptop is out of date, and you should purchase a new one.

Ventilation difficulties

Ventilation is a significant variable that directly influences the laptop’s efficiency since a laptop is built to perform correctly within a specified temperature range. This means that ventilation is one aspect that directly impacts the laptop’s efficiency. This might be due to a variety of factors, including the fact that the user is the only one using the laptop at the time and that they are not doing anything, particularly taxing on the device at the time of the overheating incident. This indicates that the hardware in your laptop is growing old and sluggish; thus, upgrading your laptop may be a reasonable alternative at this point.

Sensitivity of the keyboard and the trackpad

The keyboard and the trackpad on a laptop are the two primary ways a user may interact with the device, and with time, these input methods will become less effective. Consequently, people find it more challenging to operate on their laptops as they age; this should be anticipated after 5 or 6 years of using a laptop. Therefore, if you find yourself in such a circumstance, you should seriously consider replacing your laptop by either purchasing an improved used version or an upgraded brand new version of the same laptop.

What aspects should you check for when purchasing a new laptop?

Depending on what you want to use your laptop for, there are various factors to consider. A laptop designed for gaming will need more resources than a laptop designed for everyday usage. Please find out your requirements, and then, based on them, make sure that the new model is a significant upgrade over the old one.

When it comes time to replace your laptop, these are the aspects you should focus on the most:

  • A much more powerful CPU is required for it (compare models online and always try to get one of a current generation – or as recent as possible)
  • There should be a greater capacity for RAM (my rule is for the new laptop to have at least double the RAM of the previous model)
  • If you want to play games or conduct other duties that need a GPU, you should check to see that the model you’re using has one of a solid and current generation. If that is not the case, this one is not nearly as critical.
  • Consider the available storage space (make sure it offers SSD storage – the more, the better) / Check the ports available (if you plan to use modern peripherals, you need USB Type-C ports, for example)
  • Verify that it is the appropriate size for you.
  • Double sure that it satisfies all of your requirements (for example, if you want to use Windows applications most of the time, you shouldn’t get a Chromebook or a MacBook). Advice on how to extend the useful life of a laptop.
  • If you want your laptop to continue to work well and have a longer lifespan, then you should try some of the following tips:
    • Make sure that your laptop is cleaned every once in a while.
    • To prevent viruses from infecting your laptop, ensure you have a good anti-virus program.
    • Make use of the cooling pad to maintain the laptop’s temperature within the parameters specified by the manufacturer.
    • Check for new versions of the operating system regularly.

Visit Buyer’s guide before purchasing a new Laptop.


As time passes, newer laptops are launched with improved features and functions; therefore, the average lifetime of a laptop that performs properly is around five to six years. This is because newer laptops have been introduced. To help you dig deeper and figure out how often it is required to purchase a new laptop, I have included some probable places to search for problems to establish a typical lifespan. This will allow you to calculate how often it is necessary to buy a new laptop.

I'm the founder of Laptops Forest. I have been both writing and working in technology in a number of roles for dozens of years and wanted to bring my experience online to make it publicly available. Visit our about us page to read more about myself and the rest of the team.

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